The WALDECK Peterborough Phantoms are excited to announce an alternate jersey design for the remainder of the 23/24 season!
The 2024 Retro jersey will serve as the alternate jersey pair for the 2024 play-off campaign running from 6th April - 22nd April (Potentially April 28th) both on the road and at home!
With 2024 being Head Coach Slava Koulikov’s 10th season as head coach, we have decided to bring the red back! In Slava’s last season as player coach for the Phantoms, the jersey he wore was the iconic 2015 red play-off jersey, so we’re bringing it back for his 10th year!
Replica’s ARE AVAILABLE for these alternate jerseys - if you want your jersey here for the 2024 playoff’s then your order must be placed by Monday 19th February. Replica jerseys are available here
We wanted the game worn jerseys to be available to everyone so we have decided on a few ways that you can get your hands on one!
Own and loan:
These jerseys will be priced at £100.00 per jersey and will be given out once the season finishes. All own and loans are available from the online shop here:
#2 Norton
#5 Bjorkly - Nordstrom
#8 Kynaston
#11 Robson
#23 Bowering
#24 Mitchell - King
#25 Thorpe
#34 Circenis
#35 Gretton
#44 Dennison
#45 Buglass
#91 Sladkovsky
#95 Foster
#96 Hunt
#2 Norton
#11 Robson
#13 Glossop
#24 Mitchell - King
#25 Thorpe
#33 Marr
#35 Gretton
#38 Speirs
#42 De La Betouche
#44 Dennison
#45 Buglass
#90 Markey
#93 Padelek
#95 Foster
Tickets will be priced at £5.00 and you will have the chance to win 1 of 10 jerseys! The raffal link will be shared shortly.
#13 Glossop
#19 Ferrara
#29 Weldon
#42 De La Bertouche
#90 Markey
#8 Kynaston
#34 Circenis
#29 Weldon
#96 Hunt
#91 Sladkovsky
Tickets will be available for shirt off our back from the Monday prior to the game.
On the Road - LIGHT Jersey
1st game - #38 Speirs - 6th April or 7th April
2nd game - #33 Marr - 13th April or 14th April
3rd game - #93 Padelek - 21st April or 22nd April
At home - RED Jersey
1st game - #23 Bowering - 6th April or 7th April
2nd game - #5 Bjorkly-Nordstrom - 13th April or 14th April
3rd game - #19 Ferrara - 21st April or 22nd April